
SMART-Seq® v4 Ultra® Low Input RNA Kit for the Fluidigm® C1™ System

製品コード 635025
製品名 SMART-Seq® v4 Ultra® Low Input RNA Kit for the Fluidigm® C1™ System, 4 IFCs

K106 SMART-Seq2 Technology ライセンス

This product is sold under exclusive license from Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research, Ltd. and is covered by US Patent No. 10266894, Japanese Patent No. 6336080, and European Patent No. 3036336, and pending U.S. patent application and/or pending claims of foreign counterparts. For license information, please contact a Takara Bio USA, Inc. licensing representative by phone at 650.919.7320 or by e-mail at licensing@takarabio.com.

M54 PrimeSTAR® HS DNA Polymerase ライセンス

This product is covered by the claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,704,713 and its foreign counterparts.