
Tet-On® 細胞株

製品コード 631195
製品名 CHO Tet-On® 3G Cell Line
ライセンス 営利施設

K45 Tet-Based Expression Products ライセンス 営利施設

Use of the Tetracycline controllable expression systems (the "Tet Technology") is covered by a series of patents including U.S. Patent # 7541446, # 8383364, # 9181556 , European patents EP # 1200607, # 1954811, #2352833 and corresponding patent claims outside these regions which are proprietary to TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG. Academic research institutions are granted an automatic license with the purchase of this product to use the Tet Technology only for internal, academic research purposes, which license specifically excludes the right to sell, or otherwise transfer, the Tet Technology or its component parts to third parties. Notwithstanding the above, academic and not-for profit research institutions whose research using the Tet Technology is sponsored by for profit organizations, which shall receive ownership to any data and results stemming from the sponsored research, shall need a commercial license agreement from TET Systems in order to use the Tet Technology. In accepting this license, all users acknowledge that the Tet Technology is experimental in nature. TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG makes no warranties, express or implied or of any kind, and hereby disclaims any warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind as to the Tet Technology, patents, or products. All others are invited to request a license from TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG prior to purchasing these reagents or using them for any purpose. Takara Bio USA, Inc. is required by its licensing agreement to submit a report of all purchasers of the Tet-controllable expression system to TET Systems.
For license information, please contact:
GSF/CEO,TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Im Neuenheimer Feld 582, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: +49 6221 5880400,
Fax: +49 6221 5880404
eMail: info@tetsystems.com or use the electronic licensing request form via http://www.tetsystems.com/ip-licensing/licensing/for-profit-research


その使用目的にかかわらず、ご購入に先立ちTet Systems Holding Gmbh & Co KGからのライセンス(有償)の取得とライセンス確認書の提出が必要となります。ライセンスの取得については、下記Tet Systems Holding Gmbh & Co KGまでお問い合せください。 ご購入の際は、ライセンスを取得後、ライセンス確認書に必要事項をご記入の上、弊社販売店までお渡しください。ライセンス確認書が添付されていない場合、製品の出荷ができませんのでご注意ください。ライセンス取得後もご購入の際はその都度ライセンス確認書の提出が必要となります。

※Tet Systems社のポリシーの変更に伴い、2013年4月をもちまして、弊社によるお客様とTet Systems社とのライセンスに係る一切の仲介業務を終了いたしました。従いまして、下記のTet Systems社窓口にお客様から直接コンタクトを取り、交渉を行っていただく必要がございます。お客様にはご不便をおかけいたしますが、ご理解の程よろしくお願いいたします。

TET Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Im Neuenheimer Feld 582, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: +49 6221 5880400,
Fax: +49 6221 5880404
eMail: info@tetsystems.com or use the electronic licensing request form via http://www.tetsystems.com/ip-licensing/licensing/for-profit-research





タカラバイオ(株) 営業推進部 担当