
レトロウイルス調製細胞 G3T-hi細胞


  • 家族性アルツハイマー病のiPS 細胞の樹立と解析(Human iPS Cell Generation Vector Set、RetroNectin, G3T-hi細胞使用)
    Modeling familial Alzheimer’s disease with induced pluripotent stem cells.
    Yagi T., Ito D., OkadaY., Akamatsu W., Nihei Y., Yoshizaki T., Yamanaka S., Okano H. and Suzuki N.Yagi T., Ito D., OkadaY., Akamatsu W., Nihei Y., Yoshizaki T., Yamanaka S., Okano H. and Suzuki N.
    Human Molecular Genetics (2011) doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddr394
  • CXCL1に対するsiRNA発現レトロウイルスベクター(pSINsi-hU6 DNA)をRetrovirus Packaging Kit AmphoとG3T-hi細胞に感染。組換えレトロウイルスを調製。T24 cell(human bladder cancer cell lines)に感染
    Secreted CXCL1 Is a Potential Mediator and Marker of the Tumor Invasion of Bladder Cancer.
    Kawanishi H., Matsui Y., Ito M., Watanabe J., Takahashi T., Nishizawa K., Nishiyama H., Kamoto T., Mikami Y., Tanaka Y., Jung G., Akiyama H., Nobumasa H., Guilford P., Reeve A., Okuno Y., Tsujimoto G., Nakamura E.. and Ogawa O.
    Clin. Cancer Res. 2008; 14:2579-2587.


Retrovirus Constructive System
1)BIO VIEW 45号8~11ページ
2)BIO VIEW 36号12~13ページ
3)BIO VIEW 47号13~15ページ
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