
Retrovirus Packaging Kit


Retrovirus Packging Kit(製品コード 6160, 6161)Citations

  • CXCL1に対するsiRNA発現レトロウイルスベクター(pSINsi-hU6 DNA)をRetrovirus Packaging Kit AmphoとG3T-hi細胞に感染。組換えレトロウイルスを調製。T24 cell(human bladder cancer cell lines)に感染
    Clin. Cancer Res. 2008; 14:2579-2587.
    Kawanishi H., Matsui Y., Ito M., Watanabe J., Takahashi T., Nishizawa K., Nishiyama H., Kamoto T., Mikami Y., Tanaka Y., Jung G., Akiyama H., Nobumasa H., Guilford P., Reeve A., Okuno Y., Tsujimoto G., Nakamura E.. and Ogawa O.
    Secreted CXCL1 Is a Potential Mediator and Marker of the Tumor Invasion of Bladder Cancer

  • FEBS Lett. 2006 ;580(2):627-632.
    Inamori K, Gu J, Ohira M, Kawasaki A, Nakamura Y, Nakagawa T, Kondo A, Miyoshi E, Nakagawara A, Taniguchi N.
    High expression of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V in favorable neuroblastomas: Involvement of its effect on apoptosis.

  • J Biol Chem. 2006 ;281(43): 32122-32130.
    Zhao Y, Nakagawa T, Itoh S, Inamori KI, Isaji T, Kariya Y, Kondo A, Miyoshi E, Miyazaki K, Kawasaki N, Taniguchi N, Gu J.
    N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III antagonizes the efferct of N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V on alpha 3beta 1 integrin-mediated cell migration.

  • J Biol Chem. 2004 ;279(26):27315-27319.
    Kondo T, Kobayashi M, Tanaka J, Yokoyama A, Suzuki S, Kato N, Onozawa M, Chiba K, Hashino S, Imamura M, Minami Y, Minamino N, Asaka M.
    Rapid degradation of Cdt1 upon UV-induced DNA damage is mediated by SCFSkp2 complex.

  • Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 ;100(23):13567-13572.
    Akagi T, Sasai K, Hanafusa H.
    Refractory nature of normal human diploid fibroblasts with respect to oncogene-mediated transformation.

  • J Biol Chem. 2005 ;280(36):31564-31571.
    Koga S, Yogo K, Yoshikawa K, Samori H, Goto M, Uchida T, Ishida N, Takeya T.
    Physical and functional association of c-Src and adhesion and degranulation promoting adaptor protein (ADAP) in osteoclastogenesis in vitro.


Retrovirus Packaging Kit
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