
●第48回日本免疫学会学術集会 ランチョンセミナーを行います。
 T4 Technical Seminar 4

演題 「Introduction to the integrated analysis of epigenome and transcriptome with low cell numbers」
演者 横浜市立大学医学部免疫学教室 西山 晃 先生
発表言語 日本語
開催日 2019年12月12日(木)12:15~13:15
会場 RoomD(31会議室)アクトシティ浜松 コングレスセンター3F
The immune system is composed of a large number of cell types, forming sophisticated networks that induce various immune responses. An integrated epigenetic and transcriptomic analysis is indispensable for understanding the mechanisms regulating the differentiation and response of immune cells. Particularly, technologies for limited numbers of cells are required for precious samples derived from patients or rare cell populations.
We have fine-tuned techniques for epigenome and transcriptome analyses with low cell numbers and applied them to our research on immune cell development. Recently, we have also begun employing single cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq), Hi-C and CUT&RUN. Taking advantage of these technologies, we perform a series of collaborative studies on the MEXT joint usage/research center program “Advanced medical research center for multi-omics on gene regulation” at Yokohama City University.
We also show our study as an example performing scRNA-seq and ATAC-seq to investigate the lineage specification mechanisms during hematopoiesis. Dendritic cells (DCs), which have pivotal roles in immune responses, are derived from hematopoietic stem cells. However, the mechanism of the lineage fate decisions remained elusive.
Our analysis revealed that a subset of lymphoid-primed multipotent progenitors (LMPPs) expresses the transcription factor IRF8, known to be required for DC development. In IRF8 expressing LMPPs, IRF8 epigenetically primes DC genes and biases their fate decision toward DCs, leading to early DC lineage specification.
Such new epigenome and transcriptome technologies presented in this seminar will undoubtedly contribute to progressing the immunology research.