
●第42回日本分子生物学会年会 ランチョンセミナーを行います。

演題 Pushing the limits of sensitivity of single cell RNA-seq
演者 當利 和夫, Ph.D.(Takara Bio USA, Inc.)
開催日 2019年12月3日(火)12:10~13:00
会場 第15会場(福岡国際会議場 2階 204)
Limited amounts and poor quality of the sample are often a limiting factor for NGS library preparation.
Our comprehensive NGS portfolio enables the generation of sequencing libraries from the most limiting sample inputs and challenging sample types, including single cells, while providing streamlined workflows that are sensitive, reliable, and automation-friendly.
Complementing our NGS reagents, our open-platform ICELL8 systems capture 1,000-2,000 single cells with user control over which cells to process. System advantages show up in data-quality metrics like sensitivity, read efficiency, and gene diversity and enable a wide variety of single-cell analyses requiring high sensitivity and reproducibility.