
Tks Gflex™ DNA Polymerase


  • 糞便からの精製DNAを用いて16S rRNA細菌叢解析のためのNGS用ライブラリーを調製する際に使用
    Murakami S, Goto Y, Ito K, Hayasaka S, Kurihara S, Soga T, Tomita M, and Fukuda S.
    The Consumption of Bicarbonate-Rich Mineral Water Improves Glycemic Control.
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  • ショウジョウバエ腸からの精製DNAを用いて16S rRNA細菌叢解析のためのNGS用ライブラリーを調製する際に使用
    Sekihara S, Shibata T, Hyakkendani M, and Kawabata SI.
    RNA Interference Directed against the Transglutaminase Gene Triggers Dysbiosis of Gut Microbiota in Drosophila.
    J. Biol. Chem., 2016; 291(48): 25077-25087.
  • 藻類の粗抽出液からPCRを行い、ゲノム編集株のスクリーニングに使用
    Nomura T, Sakurai T, Osakabe Y, Osakabe K, and Sakakibara H.
    Efficient and Heritable Targeted Mutagenesis in Mosses Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System.
    Plant Cell Physiol., 2016; 57(12): 2600-2610. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcw173
  • PTB-Associated Splicing Factor (PSF) cDNAのクローニングに使用
    Tsukahara, T., Haniu, H. & Matsuda, Y.
    PTB-Associated Splicing Factor (PSF) Is a PPARγ-Binding Protein and Growth Regulator of Colon Cancer Cells. PLoS One. 8, e58749 (2013).
  • Khalid AM, Asano A, Hosaka YZ, Ohta M, Ohyama K, Yamano Y.
    Rat Stem-Cell Leukemia Gene Expression Increased during Testis Maturation.
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  • Yoshigai E, Hara T, Araki Y, Tanaka Y, Oishi M, Tokuhara K, Kaibori M, Okumura T, Kwon AH, Nishizawa M.
    Natural antisense transcript-targeted regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA levels.
    Nitric Oxide. 2013 ; 30:9-16.