


pBAsi DNA(製品コード 3220-3228)Citations

  • J Virol. 2007 ;81(5):2263-73.
    Irie T, Shimazu Y, Yoshida T, Sakaguchi T.
    YLDL Sequence within Sendai Virus M protein is Critical for Budding of Virus-Like Particles and Interacts with Alix/AIP1 Independently of C protein.

  • J Virol. 2005 ;79(14):8933-41.
    Sakaguchi T, Kato A, Sugahara F, Shimazu Y, Inoue M, Kiyotani K, Nagai Y, Yoshida T.
    AIP1/Alix is a binding partner of Sendai virus C protein and facilitates virus budding.

・pBAsi-hU6 Neo
  • Am. J. Pathol., 2007 ;170: 964-1974.
    Cho K, Ishiwata T, Uchida E, Nakazawa N, Korc M, Naito Z, and Tajiri T.
    Enhanced Expression of Keratinocyte Growth Factor and Its Receptor Correlates with Venous Invasion in Pancreatic Cancer

  • Am. J. Pathol., 2008 ;172:926-939.
    Satoh K, Hamada S, Kimura K, Kanno A, Hirota M, Umino J, Fujibuchi W, Masamune A, Tanaka N, Miura K, Egawa S, Motoi F, Unno M, Vonderhaar B.K., and Shimosegawa T.
    Up-Regulation of MSX2 Enhances the Malignant Phenotype and Is Associated with Twist 1 Expression in Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells

  • Cancer Res. 2006 ;66(12):6018-24.
    Date O, Katsura M, Ishida M, Yoshihara T, Kinomura A, Sueda T, Miyagawa K.
    Haploinsufficiency of RAD51B causes centrosome fragmentation and aneuploidy in human cells.

・pBAsi-hU6 Pur
  • J. Biol. Chem., 2008 ;283:15134-15141.
    Takahashi K, Hayashi N, Shimokawa T, Umehara N, Kaminogawa S, and Ra C.
    Cooperative Regulation of Fc Receptor -Chain Gene Expression by Multiple Transcription Factors, Including Sp1, GABP, and Elf-1


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4) Paddison et al. (2002) Genes and Dev. 16, 948-958.
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9) Shen, C., et al. (2003) FEBS Lett. 537, 111-114.