
In-Fusion® HD EcoDry™ Cloning Kit


  • In-Fusion PCR Cloning KitのBioBrickシステムへの利用
    In-Fusion BioBrick assembly and re-engineering
    S. C. Sleight, B. A. Bartley, J. A. Lieviant, and H. M. Sauro
    Nucleic Acids Res. (2010) April; 1-13.
  • In-Fusionクローニングシステムを用いて、抗体可変領域のクローニングを迅速に行い、組換えモノクローナル抗体の発現に利用した例
    A method for rapid, ligation-independent reformatting of recombinant monoclonal antibodies
    Jones ML, Seldon T, Smede M, Linville A, Chin DY, Barnard R, Mahler SM, Munster D, Hart D, Gray PP, Munro TP
    J Immunol Methods, (2010) Feb 354, 85–90.
  • In-Fusion Advantage PCR Cloning Kitの使用例
    Ribosome stalk assembly requires the dual-specificity phosphatase Yvh1 for the exchange of Mrt4 with P0
    Kai-Yin Lo, Zhihua Li, Feng Wang, Edward M. Marcotte, and Arlen W. Johnson
    J. Cell Biol. (2009) Sep;186:849-862.
  • In-Fusion PCR Cloning Kitでターゲット配列に変異を導入した例
    T-box 2, a mediator of Bmp-Smad signaling, induced hyaluronan synthase 2 and Tgfβ2 expression and endocardial cushion formation
    Manabu Shirai, Kyoko Imanaka-Yoshida, Michael D. Schneider, Robert J. Schwartz, and Takayuki Morisaki
    PNAS, (2009) Nov;106:18604-18609.
  • In-Fusion PCR Cloning Kitで計4断片でのプラスミド構築例
    In-fusion assembly: seamless engineering of multidomain fusion proteins, modular vectors, and mutations.
    B Zhu, G Cai, EO Hall, and GJ Freeman
    Biotechniques, (2007) Sep;43(3):354-359.


  1. Zhu, B. et al. (2007) BioTechniques 3:354-359.
  2. Marsischky, G. & LaBaer, J. (2004) Genome Res. 14:2020-2028.
  3. Hartman, S. et al. (January 2005) Clontechniques XX(1):26-27.
  4. Berrow, N.S. et al. (2007) Nucleic Acids Res. 35(6):e45.3.