
Viable Legionella Selection Kit for PCR Ver.2.0


  1. Viable Legionella Selection Kit for PCR Ver.2.0とCycleavePCR Legionella (16S rRNA) Detection Kitを用いたEMA-PCR法による浴槽水、冷水塔水におけるレジオネラ生菌の検出
    Inoue H, Taknma, T., Yoshizaki M. and Agata K.
    Detection of Legionella Species in Environmental Water by the Quantitative PCR Method in Combination with Ethidium Monoazide Treatment
    Biocontrol Science (2015) 20, 41-74 B
  2. Nogva HK, Dromtorp SM, Nissen H, Rudi K.
    Ethidium monoazide for DNA-based differentiation of viable and dead bacteria by 5'-nuclease PCR. Biotechniques. 2003 Apr; 34(4):804-808, 810, 812-813.
  3. 「第4版レジオネラ症防止指針」(発行:公益財団法人 日本建築衛生管理教育センター)