
K102 CRISPR & other genome editing technologies
This product (“Product”) and its use, is the subject of U.S. Patents 8,697,359 and 8,771,945 and pending U.S. Patent applications. The purchase of the Product conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use Product(s) purchased from Takara Bio USA, Inc. or its Affiliates, and any progeny, modification or derivative of a Product, or any cell or animal made or modified through use of a Product, or any progeny, modification or derivative of such cell or animal (“Related Material”), solely for research conducted by the buyer in accordance with all of the following requirements. No right is given to use this Product or Related Material for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, use in drugs, in vitro diagnostic purposes, therapeutics, or in humans. The buyer shall not sell or otherwise transfer Products (including without limitation any material that contains a Licensed Product in whole or part) or any Related Material to any other person or entity, or use Products or any Related Material to perform services for the benefit of any other person or entity, (ii) the buyer shall use only the purchased amount of the Products and components of the Products, and shall use any Related Material, only for its internal research and not for (a) the practice, performance or provision of any method, process or service, or (b) the manufacture, sale, use, distribution, disposition or importing of any product, in each case (a) or (b) for consideration, or on any other commercial basis (“Commercial Purpose”), (iii) the buyer shall use Licensed Products and any Related Material in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation applicable human health and animal welfare laws and regulations, and (iv) the buyer shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless MIT, Harvard and The Broad and their current and former trustees, directors, officers, faculty, affiliated investigators, students, employees, and agents and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (“Indemnitees”), against any liability, damage, loss, or expense (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred by or imposed upon any of the Indemnitees in connection with any claims, suits, investigations, actions, demands or judgments arising out of or related to the exercise of any rights granted to the buyer, or any breach of the rights granted hereunder by the buyer.

K118 CRISPR License from Caribou Biosciences, Inc.
LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE: RESEARCH USE ONLY Notice to Purchaser: This product is the subject to a license granted to Takara Bio USA, Inc. and its Affiliates from Caribou Biosciences, Inc., and this product is transferred to the end-user purchaser (“Purchaser”) subject to a “Limited Use Label License” conveying to the Purchaser a limited, non-transferable right to use the product, solely as provided to Purchaser, together with (i) progeny or derivatives of the product generated by the Purchaser (including but not limited to cells), and (ii) biological material extracted or derived from the product or its corresponding progeny or derivatives (including but not limited to cells) (collectively, the product, and (i) and (ii) are referred to as “Material”) only to perform internal research for the sole benefit of the Purchaser. The Purchaser cannot sell or otherwise transfer Material to a third party or otherwise use the Material for any Excluded Use. “Excluded Use” means any and all: (a) commercial activity including, but not limited to, any use in manufacturing (including but not limited to cell line development for purposes of bioproduction), product testing, or quality control; (b) preclinical or clinical testing or other activity directed toward the submission of data to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or any other regulatory agency in any country or jurisdiction where the active agent in such studies comprises the Material; (c) use to provide a service, information, or data to a third party; (d) use for human or animal therapeutic, diagnostic, or prophylactic purposes or as a product for therapeutics, diagnostics, or prophylaxis; (e) activity in an agricultural field trial or any activity directed toward the submission of data to the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any other agriculture regulatory agency; (f) high throughput screening drug discovery purposes (i.e., the screening of more than 10,000 experiments per day) as well as scale-up production activities for commercialization; (g) modification of human germline, including editing of human embryo genomes (with the sole exception of editing human embryonic stem (ES) cell lines for research purposes) or reproductive cells; (h) self-editing; and/or (i) stimulation of biased inheritance of a particular gene or trait or set of genes or traits (“gene drive”). It is the Purchaser’s responsibility to use the Material in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. For information on obtaining additional rights, including commercial rights, please contact licensing@cariboubio.com or Caribou Biosciences, Inc., 2929 7th Street, Suite 105, Berkeley, CA 94710 USA, Attn: Licensing.

K123 Sigma-Aldrich CRISPR Use License Agreement
This Product and its use are the subject of one or more of the following issued patents and patent applications: Australia Patent Nos. 2013355214; 2017204031; and 2018229489; Canada Patent Nos. 2,891,347 and 2,977,152; China Patent No. CN105142669; European Patent Nos. EP 2 928 496 B1; EP 3 138 910 B1, 3 138 911 B1, EP 3 138 912 B1, EP 3 360 964 B1, EP 3 363 902 B1; Israel Patent No. IL238856; Singapore Patent No. 11201503824S; South Korea Patent Nos. 10-1844123 and 10-2006880; and U.S. Patent Application Serial Nos. 15/188,911; 15/188,924; 15/188,927; 15/188,931; and 15/456,204 (the “Patent Rights”). The purchase of this Product conveys to you (the “Buyer”) the NON-TRANSFERABLE right to use the Product for Licensed Research Use (see definition below) subject to the conditions set out in this License Agreement. 1. “Licensed Research Use” means any use for research purposes, except: (i) Buyer may not sell or otherwise transfer the Product (including without limitation any material that contains the Product in whole or part) or any Related Material to any other third party (except that you may transfer the Product, or any Related Material to a bona fide collaborator or contract research organization), or use the Products or any Related Material to perform services for the benefit of any other third party; (ii) Buyer may use only the purchased amount of the Product and components of the Product, and shall use any Related Material, only for your internal research within the Field, and not for any Commercial Purposes; (iii) Buyer shall use the Product and any Related Material in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including without limitation applicable human health and animal welfare laws and regulations; and (iv) the Buyer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SIGMA and their current and former directors, officers, employees and agents, and their respective successors, heirs and assigns (the “Indemnities”) against any liability, damage, loss, or expense (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred by or imposed upon any of the Indemnitees in connection with any claims, suits, investigations, actions, demands or judgments arising out of or related to the exercise of any rights granted to the Buyer hereunder or any breach of this License Agreement by such Buyer. 2. For purposes of Section 1 above, the following definitions shall apply: “Commercial Purposes” means (a) the practice, performance or provision of any method, process or service, or (b) the manufacture, sale, use, distribution, disposition or importing of any product, in each case (a) or (b) for consideration, or on any other commercial basis. “Field” means use as a research tool for research purposes; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing, the Field shall expressly exclude (a) any in vivo and ex vivo human or clinical use, including, without limitation, any administration into humans or any diagnostic or prognostic use, (b) the creation of transgenic rodent models and/or derivatives thereof (including, but not limited to, rodents’ cells and rodents’ organs) by for-profit entities, (c) any in vivo veterinary or livestock use, or non-research agricultural use, or (d) use as a testing service, therapeutic or diagnostic for humans or animals. “Related Materials” means any progeny, modification or derivative of a Product. 3. Your right to use the Product will terminate immediately if you fail to comply with these terms and conditions. You shall, upon such termination of your rights, destroy all Product, Related Materials, and components thereof in your control, and notify SIGMA of such in writing. For information on purchasing a license to this Product for purposes other than Licensed Research Use, contact your local SIGMA sales representative, or call +1 800-325-3010.

L62 iPS cell
This product is covered by one or more claims of the issued patents and pending patent applications: U.S. Patent Nos. 8,048,999, 8,058,065, 8,129,187, 8,211,697, 8,257,941, 8,278,104, 8,530,238, 8,900,871, 8,927,277, 8,951,801, 9,213,999, 9,404,124, 9,499,797, 9,677,141 and 9,714,433, and foreign counterparts thereof, including their divisions, continuations, extensions, substitutions, and those claiming priority therefrom or those claiming the same priorities therein.
This custom service is provided by Takara Bio Inc. based on a patent license from iPS Academia Japan, Inc. The use of iPSCs produced by this service (hereinafter referred to as the "custom iPSCs") is strictly limited to customer's own internal research. Customer cannot have any right to use the custom iPSCs in humans for any purposes including but not limited to diagnostics and/or therapeutics, or otherwise clinical trials. There is no right to resell or transfer the custom iPSCs to a third party regardless of whether or not compensation is received.
The use of custom iPSCs is not allowed for the purposes of the intended use as described below: 1) Creation of a human clone through transplantation of the custom iPSCs-derived embryos into human or animal individuals, 2) Custom iPSCs transplantation into human embryos, 3) Custom iPSCs transplantation into human fetuses, and 4) Production of human embryos using the custom iPSCs-derived germ cells.
Customers wishing to use the custom iPSCs for purposes other than internal research use should contact us. No express or implied license is granted to the customer. Any use of the custom iPSCs for Commercial Purposes requires a patent license from iPS Academia Japan, Inc. "Commercial Purposes" means at least one of following activities including the use of custom iPSCs: 1) Use for manufacture of related products for sale including but not limited to culture medium or equipment, 2) Use in order to provide a service to a third party (including use of the differentiated cells from the custom iPSCs), 3) Use for screening compounds, antibodies, proteins, peptides and others in developing pharmaceuticals (including diagnostic agents) for human and/or animal use (including use of the differentiated cells from the custom iPSCs)*, and 4) Transfer to a third party (including transfer of the differentiated cells from the custom iPSCs).
*A patent license to use the custom iPSCs and the use of the differentiated cells from the custom iPSCs for screening compounds may also be granted from Takara Bio Inc.

L69 Differentiated cell from iPS cell
This product is covered by one or more claims of the issued patents and pending patent applications: U.S. Patent Nos. 8,048,999, 8,058,065, 8,129,187, 8,211,697, 8,257,941, 8,278,104, 8,530,238, 8,900,871, 8,927,277, 8,951,801, 9,213,999, 9,404,124, 9,499,797, 9,677,141, 9,714,433, and 9,938,585 and foreign counterparts thereof, including their divisions, continuations, extensions, substitutions, and those claiming priority therefrom or those claiming the same priorities therein.
This custom service is provided by Takara Bio Inc. and/or its affiliate(s) based on a patent license from iPS Academia Japan, Inc. No express or implied license is granted to the purchaser. "Product" means the customized differentiated cells manufactured and sold by Takara Bio Inc. "Internal research purpose" means the use of this Product as a tool of internal research for the sole benefit of the purchaser or purchaser's contract research customer, (including screening of compounds, antibodies, proteins, peptides and others in developing pharmaceuticals (including diagnostic agents) for human and/or animal use), provided, however, that the following activities using this Product are strictly prohibited and expressly excluded from Internal research purposes;
With the exemption for academic and non-commercial clinical research done by non-profit institutions;
1) Administration of this Product to humans.
2) Use of this Product for the diagnostic testing, prevention, or treatment of human and/or animal diseases.
3) Use of this Product in studies involving administration to humans for cell therapy, regenerative medicine etc.
Purchaser may use this Product for its own Internal research purposes.
Purchaser shall not use the Products for its commercial purposes.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the purchaser of this Product may provide third parties with contract research services by using this Product only for such third party's Internal research purposes.

L71 Reprogramming using Sendai technology
This service is performed by Takara Bio Inc. and/or its affiliate(s) based on a commercial license to certain intellectual property rights held by ID Pharma Co.,Ltd. The deliverables and their use are covered by one or more claims of patents owned by ID Pharma, including PCT/JP2009/062911, PCT/JP2011/069588 and PCT/JP2014/75248 and their foreign counterparts. The purchase of this service conveys to the buyer the non-transferable right to use the deliverables for their intended use, strictly limited to purchaser's own internal research. No other express or implied license is granted to the purchaser. Purchaser cannot have any right to use the deliverables or its components in humans for any purposes including but not limited to diagnostics and/or therapeutics, or otherwise clinical trials. Purchase does not include any right to resell or transfer the deliverables to a third party regardless of whether or not compensation is received. Purchase does not include any right to provide Contract Manufacturing Service with the use of the deliverables to a third party, unless a license is negotiated with ID Pharma Co., Ltd. Purchasers wishing to use the deliverables for purposes other than internal research use should contact us.

L74 Drug delivery particle
This product is covered by the claims of JP Patent No. 6,007,463 and its foreign counterparts.

L109 Expression Miner Software(Expression Minerに関するライセンスについて)
Expression Miner[ソフトウェア名称](以下、「本ソフトウェア」という)のライセンス購入者(以下、「エンドユーザー」という)は、本ソフトウェアの使用について、以下を遵守、了承するものとする。
  1. 本ソフトウェアをタカラバイオ株式会社から事前に許諾された目的以外の目的のために使用しないこと。
  2. 本ソフトウェアの使用権を、エンドユーザー以外の第三者に許諾しないこと。
  3. 本ソフトウェアそのものを、商業的な目的でエンドユーザー以外の第三者に閲覧させないこと。
  4. 本ソフトウェアを複製、改変又は逆アセンブル若しくは他の方法によるリバースエンジニアリングを行わないこと。
  5. 本仕様と同一又は類似する仕様のソフトウェアを、本ソフトウェアを参考にエンドユーザーが単独で又は第三者と共同で開発しないこと。
  6. タカラバイオ株式会社および本ソフトウェアの開発元であるcBioinformatics株式会社は、以下に定める場合、エンドユーザーに対して、本ソフトウェアの不適合について何らの責任を負わないものとする。
  • 本受託サービスは、個別に合意した場合を除き、すべて研究目的として作業を行います。納品物を試験研究目的以外へご使用される場合、弊社では納品物に起因する損失・損害等については一切の責任を負いかねます。納品物によっては、その構成物(例えば、ベクター、蛍光色素など)の使用に制限がある場合がありますのでご注意ください。
  • 納品物に起因して、直接的もしくは間接的に発生したお客様の損害については、明らかに弊社の責に帰すべき事由による場合を除いて、弊社は一切その責任を負いません。
  • ウェブサイトに掲載している会社名および商品名などは、各社の商号、または登録済みもしくは未登録の商標であり、これらは各所有者に帰属します。